Problems with our Lifeline service
We're really sorry, we're having problems with our phone lines which means our Lifeline service is not available.
If you or a loved one need help in an emergency, please call 999.
Find out how to submit an FOI and what happens afterwards.
Under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act you can ask that any information held by us that has not already been published available to you.
The act doesn't cover opinions or recollections unless they're already recorded. We do not have to create new information to respond to FOIs.
Requests for environmental information are subject to the Environmental Information Regulations.
For a request to be valid under the FOI Act it must be made in writing and:
You can also make a request by emailing or you can write to the Information Governance Manager at:
Democratic Services, Canterbury City Council, 14 Rose Lane, Canterbury, CT1 2UR
We will reply in writing within 20 working days of receiving a valid information request to either:
All valid requests and responses will also be published online.