You can see all the landscape designs and artists' impressions created so far.
The funding we've been given can only be used for the project work set out in our Levelling Up application. The work we do will be closely monitored to make sure that the money is spent on the things we said it would be.
Our three Connected Canterbury: Unlocking the Tales of England project strands are:
- Transforming heritage assets and spaces - we will protect and repair historic and underused sites in the city.
- Creating a green arrival experience - we will improve areas visitors see when they arrive in our city, as well as upgrading spaces like the bus station to include electric vehicle charging and cycle hire.
- Connecting our heritage - we will create 'story gardens' that use innovative technology to tell the story of Canterbury as part of England's history. New trails and cycling routes will be signposted to connect people to our heritage sites.
All of the project work will take place over the next 16 months and should be finished by early spring 2026.
We'll promote what's happening at each stage so that you can have your say on Levelling Up.

Project work timescales
Heritage assets
Work to repair the Poor Priests' Hospital (Marlowe Kit) roof and external features (chimney, window and stonework repairs) will be completed in the spring.
The stabilisation of the stonework at Canterbury Castle Keep will be completed ready for the landscaping of the grounds to take place. Improvements including resurfacing, lighting and planting will be carried out along the city wall.
Story gardens
The story garden sites include:
- Dane John Gardens
- the courtyard in front of the former Nason's department store
- St George's Square
- Greyfriars Gardens
- St Radigund's Garden
- Three Cities Garden
- the castle grounds
- Solly's Orchard
- Garden of St Mary de Castro
- Tower of St Mary Magdalene
Most of the landscaping works will be completed in the story garden locations, including the planting of perennial wildflower meadows and new trees, as well as the addition or repair of both feature and street lighting.
A play area will be installed in Greyfriars Gardens.
Interpretation will relay historical stories and information about the sites.
A Connected Canterbury mobile app will be launched to complement the interpretation in the gardens.
The statue to commemorate Aphra Behn will be unveiled in February (2025) outside of the Beaney House of Art and Knowledge in the high street.
Highways and city route improvements
The work to improve accessibility and lighting to Church Lane, Stour Street, St Peter's Lane and St Radigund's Street will start in early 2025.
Pedestrian access will be improved on St George's Lane and at the bus station, making it safer and easier to walk to Whitefriars.
Docked cycle hire infrastructure will be put in place in various locations across the city, as well as bike maintenance and storage facilities.
Old signage and street furniture will be removed, and new wayfinding totems and finger posts will be installed in the city centre.
St Radigund's car park and Longport car park will be made more welcoming with new soft landscaping, welcome information points and bike storage.
New EV charging points will be installed.
There will be improvements to six cycle routes in Canterbury, including improved lighting, surfaces, kerb lines and signage.
Refurbishment and repainting of street lighting columns in heritage green will take place on the routes and through story garden sites. This includes the restoration of Biggleston lamp posts in prime heritage sites.
Heritage assets
Works in the Canterbury Castle Keep and grounds will be completed, and it will be open for the public to access for free.
Story gardens
Final landscaping works will be completed in Dane John Gardens.
Highways and city route improvements
The creation of Westgate Square will be completed including bike storage, feature lighting and power points, soft landscaping and welcome information to book end the high street with St George's Square.
Castle Row car park will be the last of the projects to be completed. The new green walkway will link Dane John Gardens with the castle.
Heritage assets
Work to repair the Poor Priests' Hospital (Marlowe Kit) roof and external features started in June (2024). A specialist contractor took over the Canterbury Castle Keep site to start the repair and stabilisation of its stonework, and to make it safe.
Story gardens
Electrical power outlets were installed in the Dane John Gardens to allow events to take place with less reliance on generators.
Consultations were carried out on the story garden designs, and the 'stories' for each garden.
Archaeological test pits were dug and investigated to allow the necessary consents to be applied for. The statutory consents and permissions from Historic England and Kent County Council Highways were submitted ready for the tendered work to start in early 2025.
In December (2024) the works tender for Dane John Gardens, the city wall and Castle Row car park went live. Early designs for the new cafe in the gardens were produced ahead of stakeholder engagement. These works will form part of a separate tender.
Concept designs for a walkway and raised platform that will take visitors inside the Castle Keep were agreed. The walkway will provide platforms on the first floor level as well as at the top of the castle; reviewing views across to the Cathedral and Dane John Gardens.
Highway and city route improvements
Contracts were awarded for the works taking place in the new Westgate Square, as well as for the accessibility and lighting improvements to the city heritage routes.
The design of the new wayfinding was agreed, and detailed placement plans for the totems and finger posts were shared with stakeholders and landowners in the city. The tender for manufacturing and installation went out to tender in December (2024).
The foundation was laid outside of the Beaney House of Art and Knowledge in preparation for the installation in 2025 of the statue commemorating Aphra Behn.
A condition survey of street lighting columns was completed to inform the future works programme.
St George’s Street improvements
We've replaced the old paving slabs, added new planters and benches, and upgraded the street lighting.
One area has been finished with temporary paving, which will be replaced later.
Riverside area improvements
We've upgraded the existing cycle way.
Installing electric vehicle chargers
We installed 12 chargers across the city to support greener transport.
Canterbury Castle preparation
We put up scaffolding so that we could start a survey on the stonework.
Poor Priests’ Hospital (Marlowe Kit) preparation
We applied for listed building consent for the roof repairs.
Poor Priests' Hospital
Story gardens
We held a public consultation on which gardens should be chosen and published the results.
Kent County Council held a public consultation on the proposed changes to Westgate Square.