Your journey to net zero

See what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint.

There are simple steps you can take to help meet the UK target of net zero by 2050.

Calculate your carbon footprint

Answer a few questions about your lifestyle and find out how to reduce your carbon footprint

Save energy in your home

Try these simple tips to save energy:

  • use a smart meter to monitor your energy usage
  • get draft excluders for your doors and windows
  • turn appliances off rather than leaving on standby
  • turn off taps when you're not using them

Energy Saving Trust has lots more advice on making your home energy efficient, including heating, renewable electricity, and energy efficient products. 

GOV.UK can tell you if your home can get Help to Heat funding.

Home Upgrade Grants

If your home is not heated by mains gas and you struggle to pay your bills you might be able to get a grant. This could help you use less energy and reduce your carbon footprint. 

Apply for a Home Upgrade Grant

Solar Together scheme

We're signed up to Solar Together, which means you might be able to get cheaper solar power for your home.

Answer a few questions about your property and they'll let you know what products are right for you and how to register.

Reduce your plastic use

Lots of us can take easy steps to reduce the amount of plastic we use, including:

  • carrying a reusable bottle and coffee cup
  • not buying or using things like plastic straws, cutlery and plates - a ban on single-use plastic is coming later in 2023
  • not buying products with excess plastic packaging
  • taking your own shopping bags out
  • switch cling film for foil, which can be recycled in your blue bin
  • swap plastic shampoo and soap bars for products wrapped in paper

Change your eating and drinking habits

You could try:

  • eating less meat and dairy
  • growing your own food or buying local produce
  • cooking more at home and avoiding buying processed food
  • carrying a reusable bottle for water and hot drinks
  • taking your own cutlery with you if you're out buying food

Help reduce air pollution

Switch off your engine 

You can make a difference to air pollution simply by switching off your engine when you're sitting in traffic or have stopped to wait for someone. This is sometimes called 'anti-idling'.

Keeping your vehicle idle wastes fuel and can increase wear and tear on your engine. The cost of switching off the engine and starting up again after a minute or more will be less than the cost of leaving it running.

If you don't switch off your engine when we ask you to, you could be given a Fixed Penalty Notice of £20 - this increases to £40 if you don't pay it within 28 days.

Public transport

Try taking public transport or walking once a week to reduce your pollution by 20%. 

Burning fuel

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs has created a guide on using wood-burning stoves or open fires to reduce environmental impacts.

They also support Woodsure, a not-for-profit organisation who want to raise the quality of woodfuel. 

Air pollution forecasts

UK Air Information Resource forecasts expected levels of air pollution for the UK. Information is updated daily early in the morning for that day, the next day, and the following three days.

Clean air for schools

We were awarded money in 2021 to develop a digital resource for primary schools to teach children and their parents or carers about air pollution. 

Register for an account as a parent or teacher and access games, videos and more.

Visit Pollution Patrol