We’ll remove rubbish - like white goods or shopping trolleys - on most land. We can’t remove it from private land like farms or from roads with speed limits of more than 40mph.
Did you know...
You can apply or pay for services and find information on this website quickly and easily. You'll get a faster response as it'll go to the right team and a copy of your request will be sent to your email.
Use the search bar at the top of the site or the menu to find what you need.
Got a question?
Check our flytipping map to see if it’s already been reported to us and, if it hasn’t, use our five minute form to let us know rubbish has been dumped.
If you see dangerous rubbish like discarded needles or syringes you should call us on 01227 862 000 or on 01227 781 879 if it’s outside council hours.
You can report a build up of litter - including leaves - online using our five minute form.