Contact us

Did you know...

You can apply or pay for services and find information on this website quickly and easily. You'll get a faster response as it'll go to the right team and a copy of your request will be sent to your email.

Use the search bar at the top of the site or the menu to find what you need.

Got a question?

Which parking zone am I in?

Use our online parking zone search to see which zone you’re in.

Check your parking zone

Can I get a parking permit for my road?

Most of our parking zones don’t have any permits available at the moment. You can check information on your zone online.

Check your parking zone

How do I apply for a parking permit?

When a permit becomes available it’s easy to apply online. Just create an account and you can apply and pay straight away.

Apply for a parking permit

How do I renew my parking permit?

You can easily renew your parking permit online and set up an email reminder that will let you know when it's about to run out.

Renew a parking permit

How do I apply for a business parking permit?

Business permits are available in Canterbury, Herne Bay or Whitstable. You can apply online in just a few minutes.

Apply for a business parking permit

What is a tradesperson waiver?

A tradesperson waiver allows you to park your work vehicle on a road or street to carry out your job. You can easily apply online for a virtual waiver.

Apply for a tradesperson waiver

Can't find what you want online?

Send us a message

If you can' t find what you need you can contact us online and we'll respond within 14 days.

Give us a call

Call the parking team on 01227 862 429 . Our phone lines are open between 8.45am to 5pm, during the week (excluding public holidays), and closed at weekends.

Visit the council

The council offices are open daily between 10am and 2pm. You'll need to call 01227 862 000 to book to see someone during these times.

Canterbury City Council
14 Rose Lane

Get directions

Make a complaint to the council

If you've not had good service from us you can make a complaint online so that we can put it right and stop it from happening again.

Find out more about our complaints procedure.