Problems with our Lifeline service
We're really sorry, we're having problems with our phone lines which means our Lifeline service is not available.
If you or a loved one need help in an emergency, please call 999.
If a property has been empty for at least a year, or is a second home, a premium charge is applied.
An additional charge (premium) can be applied to your council tax bill in certain circumstances. Council tax premiums benefit our district and communities as an incentive to encourage empty or under utilised homes back into use.
From 1 April 2025, a council tax premium of 100% will be applied to an empty and furnished property, which is not used as anyone's main home. The premium will increase the council tax payable to 200%.
From 1 April 2025, a council tax premium is charged when a property has been empty and unfurnished for one year or more. The following premiums apply:
As this premium applies to the property, a change of ownership or tenancy will not affect the premium. If when you purchased or leased your property it had already been empty and unfurnished for one year or more, you will have to pay the extra council tax charge. The additional charge can only be removed by bringing your property back into use.
The provision given to local authorities to charge a premium is intended to be a tool to help local authorities to:
Further information for the number and value of premiums is available upon request.
No premium will be charged on the following properties providing the criteria for the exception is met:
No premium will be charged on the following properties, providing the criteria for the exception is met, for a maximum period of 12 months:
If you think your property meets the exception criteria, tell us using our online forms below: