Bin collections over Christmas and New Year
Your bin day will change over Christmas and New Year.
What you need to know about speaking at a Full Council meeting.
Full Council is the governing body of the council and decides the budget and policy framework.
Each year the annual meeting of the Full Council also adopts the constitution of the council, the terms of reference for each committee and appoints councillors and substitutes for each committee.
You can present a petition or ask a question at a meeting of the Full Council. The petition or question must be supported by 15 valid signatures from people who live, work or study in the area (a valid postcode must be given). You will be given three minutes to make your points.
After you have spoken, where it relates to an item on the agenda, the petition or question will be considered as part of that item.
Where it relates to an item not on the agenda it will normally be referred without debate to the appropriate body or person to consider the policy and resource implications.
You can submit a petition for debate at Full Council which must be supported by at least 1,000 valid signatures. These petitions will be debated by council on the night they are presented.
The deadline for submission of a petition or question is no later than 12.30pm two working days before the meeting (for example, Tuesday for a Thursday meeting) to allow time for the signatures to be validated.
To register you need to contact our democratic services team or you can call 01227 862 009.
We can only allow one petition per meeting on the same subject or that is asking for the same outcome. We also cannot accept a petition that is the same as one we've had in the past six months.