Bin collections over Christmas and New Year
Your bin day will change over Christmas and New Year.
If you want to speak and Licensing Sub-Committee, find out what you need to do before the meeting.
The Licensing Sub-Committee makes decisions about applications received under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005. If you want to speak at Licensing Sub-Committee, there are rules for who can be heard at meetings.
The first requirement is that you have to make a representation in response to the application. This makes you a party to the hearing. Only parties involving the applicant and any others who have made relevant representations can speak at a Licensing Sub-Committee.
Any party can also be assisted or represented by another person to make a factual statement, but this depends on any representations made and the decision of the Licensing Sub-Committee. You will also need to give appropriate notice to the Licensing Officer in advance.
If you want to speak at Licensing Sub-Committee, you need to contact democratic services or call 01227 862 009.