Bin collections over Christmas and New Year
Your bin day will change over Christmas and New Year.
View the details of PSPOs that are no longer in effect.
Our dog control PSPO sets out the areas where dogs must be kept on a lead, areas where dogs are not allowed, and what time of year these restrictions apply, as well as the requirement for you to pick up your dog's poo.
This PSPO was discharged.
On 10 November 2022, the Public Spaces Protection Order (Stour Parks and Gorrell Valley) 2021 which was made on 14 February 2022, was discharged and ceased to have effect.
On 31 March 2023, the Canterbury Coastal Public Spaces Protection Order 2020, which was made on 16 November 2020, was discharged and ceased to have effect.
The Coastal Public Spaces Protection Order 2023 was made live and enacted from 1 April 2023.
On 17 November 2023, the Canterbury City Public Spaces Protection Order 2020, which was made on 16 November 2020, was discharged and ceased to have effect.