If your home is not heated by mains gas and you struggle to pay your bills you might be able to get a grant. This could help you use less energy, reduce your carbon footprint and save money.
Who can apply
You can apply if you are a homeowner or private tenant who:
- do not have mains gas - so for example, oil, coal, LPG or electric-only heating, and
- has a household income of less than £36,000 per year, or you get certain means-tested benefits such as Universal credit, or you live in an eligible Index of Multiple Deprivation area - you can check your postcode eligibility online, and
- your home falls under 'hard to heat homes' - this is based on your home Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). Someone will help you with this, and if you do not have a certificate already, an assessment will be done free of charge.
If you're a landlord with four or fewer properties you can also apply but will need to pay at least one third of the cost of the upgrades. This will be agreed before any work starts.
What help you might get
You might be offered energy saving improvements to help cut your bills and reduce your carbon emissions. This could include:
- insulation and ventilation upgrades to keep you warm in winter and cool in summer
- a low carbon heating system such as an air source heat pump (this would mean upgrading the existing heating system)
- heating controls which make sure you only use heat when you need it
- an energy efficient hot water solution to keep your water warm for longer
- solar panels to generate electricity
- energy efficient lighting which is cheaper to run
How it works
A survey will work out what is suitable for your home and you'll get a free updated EPC assessment.
Once you apply:
- The home energy assessment will be arranged which looks at your property to create a whole house plan.
- You'll get an email or a letter with the home assessment report outlining the energy-related improvements that could be made.
- A qualified installer will organise a survey and look at the suitability of the improvements.
- They will arrange a provisional date for installation, agreed by you.
- Final checks will be done to make sure installation has been completed to the expected standard.
- You'll be given a handover pack that includes more suggestions for energy efficiency.
You can call EON on 0333 202 4820 if you don't want to apply online.