If you want to collect, buy or sell scrap metal you must have a licence. You could be fined up to £5,000 if you don't have one.
Scrap metal site licence
You'll need a licence for any site that you want to use for scrap metal dealing. The licence allows you to transport scrap metal to and from the location. A manager must be named for each site.
A licence costs £673.97 and is valid for three years. It costs £25.71 to replace a licence.
Scrap metal collectors licence
A collectors licence allows you to operate as a mobile business in Canterbury, Herne Bay, Whitstable and the surrounding villages only.
A licence costs £449.33 and is valid for three years. It costs £25.71 to replace a licence.
Apply for a scrap metal licence
Changes to a scrap metal licence
It costs £38.53 for a change of contact details and £64.18 for a change of site manager.