Problems with our Lifeline service
We're really sorry, we're having problems with our phone lines which means our Lifeline service is not available.
If you or a loved one need help in an emergency, please call 999.
Find out about the district's protected sites and monuments, and see if you need permission to do work.
Canterbury city centre has been designated an 'Area of Archaeological Importance'. This protects archaeological remains from being damaged or destroyed. If your property is within the designated area and you want to carry out any ground works, flood works or tipping, you must speak to us first, at least six weeks in advance. This applies even if you don't need planning permission for the work.
You can view the Area of Archaeological Importance on our map or find out more from the Association of Local Government Archaeology Officers.
Scheduled monuments are nationally important buildings and remains, such as castles, burial grounds and bridges. They're given legal protection in England by the National Heritage List. You must get scheduled monument consent from the Secretary of State for any work that will affect a protected monument.