Canterbury Community Safety Partnership action plan

Our community safety action plan focuses support on areas of concern in the district.

Canterbury Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is made up of representatives from local organisations known as 'responsible authorities' who work together to help protect our district from crime and make people feel safer.

We work with organisations such as (but not limited to):

  • Kent Police
  • Kent Fire and Rescue Service
  • the NHS
  • Kent County Council
  • Canterbury Business Improvement District
  • local universities
  • street pastors
  • domestic violence and rape support organisations
  • housing support organisations
  • local businesses

Every year, we're responsible for completing something called a strategic assessment. The assessment looks at crime patterns and trends, anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol misuse, and reoffending.

We then use this data to write a CSP action plan that sets out our priorities for the district and how we'll achieve them.

The action plan brings organisations together to understand local concerns and implement support to tackle issues, restore communities and support residents.

We review the plan every year to make sure our priorities are relevant and that they help keep the district a safe place. 

Action plan priorities