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How we plan to improve our complaints handling based on self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman's code.
Code number | Code requirement | What we will improve | When we will do it | Status |
1.6 | An expression of dissatisfaction with services made through a survey is not defined as a complaint; though wherever possible the person completing the survey should be made aware of how they can pursue a complaint if they wish to. Where landlords ask for wider feedback about their services, they must also provide details of how residents can complain. | Add info about how to make a complaint into the survey sent to customers and link to the complaints procedure. | September 2024 | Completed 14 June 2024 ready for survey to be sent later this year (2024). |
4.3 | Landlords are expected to prioritise complaint handling and a culture of learning from complaints. All relevant staff must be suitably trained in the importance of complaint handling. It is important complaints are seen as a core service and must be resourced to handle complaints effectively. | Training to be provided to all staff along with briefings to create a culture of learning from complaints, and to ensure all staff understand the importance of complaints. | December 2024 | |
5.4 | Where a landlord's complaint response is handled by a third party at any stage (for example, a contractor or independent adjudicator), it must form part of the two stage complaints process set out in this code. Residents must not be expected to go through two complaint processes. | Create a single complaints process with third parties. | April 2025 | |
5.5 | Landlords are responsible for ensuring any third parties handle complaints in line with the code. | Create a method for measuring complaint performance for third parties. | April 2025 | |
5.6 | When a complaint is logged at Stage 1 or escalated to Stage 2, landlords must set out their understanding of the complaint and the outcomes the resident is seeking. The code will refer to this as 'the complaint definition'. If any aspect of the complaint is unclear, the resident must be asked for clarification. |
Online complaint form to be updated to include expected outcome for the customer. Acknowledgement responses to customers will detail what their complaint is and their expected outcome. |
September 2024 |
The form was updated on 16 September 2024 to include expected outcomes. The acknowledgement responses are due to be implemented in September 2024. |
5.9, 6.4, 6.15 |
Where a response to a complaint will fall outside the timescales set out in this code, the landlord must agree with the resident suitable intervals for keeping them informed about their complaint. (5.9) Landlords must decide whether an extension of time is needed when considering the complexity of the complaint and then inform the resident of the expected timescale for response. Any extension must be no more than 10 working days without good reason, and the reason(s) must be clearly explained to the resident. (6.4) Landlords must decide whether an extension of time is needed when considering the complexity of the complaint and then inform the resident of the expected timescale for response. Any extension must be no more than 20 working days without good reason, and the reason(s) must be clearly explained to the resident. (6.15) |
Monthly monitoring will take place and reported to management for oversight to ensure that customers are notified when complaints fall outside of the timescales, so that appropriate action can be taken. | September 2024. | Implemented in September 2024. Monitoring ongoing. |
5.10 | Landlords must make reasonable adjustments for residents where appropriate, under the Equality Act 2010. Landlords must keep a record of any reasonable adjustments agreed, as well as a record of any disabilities a resident has disclosed. Any agreed reasonable adjustments must be kept under active review. | Complaint form to be updated to ask the customer how they would like their complaint communicated back to them. | September 2024 | In progress with digital team. |
6.3, 6.14, 7.4 |
Landlords must issue a full response to Stage 1 complaints within 10 working days of the complaint being acknowledged. (6.3) Landlords must issue a final response to Stage 2 complaints within 20 working days of the complaint being acknowledged. (6.14) Landlords must take account of the guidance issued by the Ombudsman when deciding on appropriate remedies. (7.4) |
Close monitoring of all complaints by management through weekly meetings and weekly reporting to improve response rates to complaints. Create a compensation and redress policy that gives consideration to Ombudsman guidance. |
6.3 and 6.14 - January 2025 7.4 - March 2025
8.1 |
Landlords must produce an annual complaints performance and service improvement report for scrutiny and challenge, which must include:
All points listed to be included in the next annual report | June 2025 | |
8.2 | The annual complaints performance and service report must be reported to the landlord's governing body (or equivalent) and published on the section of its website relating to complaints. The governing body's response to the report must be published alongside this. | Report to be published on council website along with response to the report |
July 2024 |
Completed. |
9.3 | Accountability and transparency are also integral to a positive complaint handling culture. Landlords must report back on wider learning and improvements from complaints to stakeholders; such as residents' panels, staff and relevant committees. | Learning will be taken to the Resident Engagement Panel quarterly, to staff at service meetings and to committee annually. | December 2024 | |
9.7 |
As a minimum, the MRC and the governing body (or equivalent) must receive:
All the required information will be sent to the MRC on a quarterly basis. | August 2024 | Implemented. |
9.8 |
Landlords must have a standard objective in relation to complaint handling for all relevant employees or third parties, that reflects the need to:
There will be a standing item on team agendas to discuss complaints and any learning from these, along with team objectives for handling complaints. | September 2024 | In progress. |
This plan was last updated in November 2024.