Statement of persons nominated - election of a City Councillor for Herne and Broomfield ward

Persons nominated in Herne and Broomfield ward in the March 2025 by-elections.

The following is a statement of the persons nominated for election as a City Councillor for Herne and Broomfield ward:

Name of candidate Home address # Description (if any) Name of proposer (*), seconder (**) Reason why no longer nominated ##
Peter Gordon
Fieldway House, Field Way, CT2 0BH Green Party Konig Sabine*
Harvey Andrew John**
Lawrence James Murray
17 Seymour Close, Herne, CT6 7AS Labour Party Coomber Janine L.M.*
Coomber James D**
Derek Stephen
7 Seymour Close, HERNE BAY, CT6 7AS Liberal Democrats Turner Graham Clive*
Turner Barbara Jane**
MULVIHILL Mark Francis (address in Canterbury) Reform UK Murison Kevin Stewart*
Booth Diane**
Grace Taylor
17 Blean View Road, Herne Bay, CT6 7RD Local Conservatives Jones Robert S*
Jones Tracey J**

# In England, if a candidate has requested not to make their home address public, the relevant electoral area in which their home address is situated (or the country if their address is outside the UK) will be provided.

## Decision of the Returning Officer that the nomination is invalid or other reason why a person no longer stands nominated.

The persons above against whose name no entry is made in the last column have been and stand validly nominated.

A poll will be taken on 6 March 2025 between the hours of 7am and 10pm.

Dated: Friday 7 February 2025
Peter Davies, Returning Officer