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See the brownfield land register
You can also view a map of the sites on the brownfield register.
About the brownfield register
We have a statutory duty to prepare, keep and publish a register of developed land used for something else in the past, apart from agricultural and forestry use. This is known as brownfield land.
Under Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017, any previously developed land that is suitable for residential development and meets certain criteria should be included in the register.
The criteria for brownfield sites to be included is as follows:
- the land has an area of at least 0.25 hectares or is capable of supporting at least five dwellings
- the land is suitable for residential development
- the land is available for residential development
- residential development of the land is achievable
The brownfield regulations explain the criteria and definitions in more detail.
The information in the register is in a standard format set by government, and aims to inform developers and communities of potential site locations to encourage development in appropriate areas.
The register is split into two parts:
- Part 1 - all sites that have been assessed against the criteria and our adopted Local Plan. These include:
- brownfield sites that have been granted planning permission and have not yet been implemented
- brownfield sites that are allocated for residential development in our adopted Local Plan
- Part 2 - any sites covered in Part 1 that have been granted permission in principle
If a site is under construction, this means that the planning application is being implemented and so it will not be on the register. Part 2 currently has no entries but the register will be updated and reviewed annually.
Add a site to the brownfield register
If you would like a site to be considered for Part 1 of the Brownfield register, complete a brownfield assessment form and send it to our planning team.
Sites submitted before 1 April 2025 will be considered for this year's register. Any submitted on or after this date will be considered for the updated 2025 register.