Blue Badge parking

Register for a Blue Badge and search for car parks with disabled spaces.

Blue Badge holders can park free of charge for up to three hours in most of our car park spaces. This does not include:

  • Permit bays
  • Park and Ride sites

If you live in Kent, you can apply for a Blue Badge from Kent County Council.

More information about Blue Badges

Register for Blue Badge parking

You must create an account before you enter an ANPR car park for the first time, and then register your badge online to get the three free hours in the ANPR car parks.

You can register up to two vehicles against your badge. Each time you park, make sure that the vehicle you're using is marked as the primary vehicle. You can change this in your account.

If you are using your badge, please make sure it's clearly visible on the dashboard of your vehicle.

Register for Blue Badge parking

If you already have a council account you can log in to add your vehicle details.

View the rights and responsibilities of Blue Badge holders.

Help with your Blue Badge account

If you are having problems with using your Blue Badge account you can try these steps:

  1. Login to your account and remove the vehicle you have saved on it.
  2. Save these changes and enter the vehicle that will be the primary one. If you have another vehicle, you can enter that as the secondary one.
  3. You need to enable or assign autopay to your primary vehicle.

Renewing your Blue Badge account

We do not need to see a copy of your new blue badge when you renew it. If your blue badge is no longer needed, you will need to email parking facilities to say you are happy for us to delete the account. They will set up a new account without blue badge registered.

Find a parking space

Disabled parking bays

If you have a Blue Badge and don’t have off-street parking for your car, you can apply for a disabled parking bay. 

These parking bays can be used by anyone with a Blue Badge. If we approve a bay, it won’t just belong to you.

Apply for a disabled parking bay