Bin collections over Christmas and New Year
Your bin day will change over Christmas and New Year.
As part of the Local Plan some sites in the district have been allocated for major developments.
You can read more about each development below or view the development sites on a map.
This would provide:
Update: On 1 December 2022, our planning committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to a legal agreement being made.
This will provide:
Update: Two planning applications were granted permission and work has started on site.
This would provide:
Update: Two planning applications were granted permission and work has started on site. A third application is being considered.
This will provide:
Update: Outline and reserved matters applications were granted planning permission. Work started on site in 2016. 461 residential units -135 of which are affordable housing - have been completed so far.
This will provide:
Update: Outline planning permission was granted in 2019 and the first reserved matters application was granted in May 2022.
This will provide:
Update: Outline planning permission was granted in 2020 and the reserved matters application for the new homes was granted in 2021. Work has started on site.
This will provide:
Update: Outline planning permission was granted in 2016. Phase 1 and 2 have been granted detailed planning permission. Work started on site in 2020 and 18 residential units have been completed so far.
This will provide:
Update: A hybrid planning application is being considered.
This will provide:
Update: A hybrid application and five reserved matters applications have been granted planning permission. Work started in 2017 and 206 residential units - 58 of which are affordable housing - have been completed so far. Reserved matters applications for phase 3 are being considered.
This will provide:
Update: A planning application is yet to be submitted.
This land has been split into two parcels.
Parcel A will provide:
Update: An outline application and reserved matters application for part of the site have been granted planning permission. Work started on site in 2019 and 107 residential units - 23 of which are affordable housing - have been completed so far.
Parcel B will provide:
Update: Outline planning permission has been granted. Detailed planning permission for the spine road has been granted.
This will provide:
Update: Outline planning permission with full details of 140 units was granted in 2019. A reserved matters application for the other 160 units was granted in 2022. Work has started on site.