You can read more about each development below or view the development sites on a map.
Mountfield Park (South Canterbury)
This would provide:
- about 4,000 new homes
- up to 70,000 sqm for employment use
- a range of community facilities
- a new A2 junction
Update: On 1 December 2022, our planning committee resolved to grant planning permission subject to a legal agreement being made.
Land at Sturry Road and Broad Oak
This will provide:
- 1,086 new homes
- about 500 sqm for business use
- a range of community facilities including a primary school
- a new car park for Sturry train station
- part and contribution towards the rest of a Sturry relief road
Update: Two planning applications were granted permission and work has started on site.
Hillborough site, Herne Bay
This would provide:
- about 1,300 new homes
- an extension to the existing Altira business park
- retail, community and education facilities including a primary school
- a new link between the business park and Thanet Way
- a new slip road on to Thanet Way
- contribution to the Herne Relief Road
Update: Two planning applications were granted permission and work has started on site. A third application is being considered.
Herne Bay Golf Course
This will provide:
- around 670 new homes
- sports and leisure facilities
- healthcare provision, including a care home
- a new pedestrian and cycle route
Update: Outline and reserved matters applications were granted planning permission. Work started on site in 2016. 461 residential units -135 of which are affordable housing - have been completed so far.
Strode Farm, Herne Bay
This will provide:
- 800 new homes
- a range of commercial and community facilities
- a new highway linking Thanet Way to Bullockstone Road
- a new footpath and cycle paths to link this site with the Herne Bay Golf Course
- contribution to the Herne Relief Road
Update: Outline planning permission was granted in 2019 and the first reserved matters application was granted in May 2022.
Land at Greenhill, Herne Bay
This will provide:
- 450 new homes
- outdoor sports playing pitches for use by Briary Primary School
- community, recreation and leisure facilities
- a link road between Greenhill Road and Thornden Wood Road
Update: Outline planning permission was granted in 2020 and the reserved matters application for the new homes was granted in 2021. Work has started on site.
Thanet Way site, Whitstable
This will provide:
- 400 new homes
- an extension of Duncan Down Country Park
- additional public open space including a multi-use games area and allotments
Update: Outline planning permission was granted in 2016. Phase 1 and 2 have been granted detailed planning permission. Work started on site in 2020 and 18 residential units have been completed so far.
Land north of Hersden
This will provide:
- 800 new homes
- about 1ha of land for employment
- a new community building
- a new sports pavillion
- 0.8ha of land for an extension to the primary school
- contributions to a Sturry relief road
- improvements to the A28 corridor.
Update: A hybrid planning application is being considered.
Land at Howe Barracks, Canterbury
This will provide:
- 500 new homes
- community facilities
- parkland and open space and
- a new A28-A257 link road.
Update: A hybrid application and five reserved matters applications have been granted planning permission. Work started in 2017 and 206 residential units - 58 of which are affordable housing - have been completed so far. Reserved matters applications for phase 3 are being considered.
Land at Ridlands Farm and Langton Field, Canterbury
This will provide:
- 310 new homes
- a range of community and local facilities
- public open space
- a multi-use games area
- a contribution to education and
- a fast bus link route between South Canterbury Road and Mountfield Park.
Update: A planning application is yet to be submitted.
Land at and next to Cockering Farm, Thanington
This land has been split into two parcels.
Parcel A will provide:
- 750 new homes
- about 4,000 sqm for employment use
- about 1,000 sqm for retail use
- a hospice and nursing home
- community and leisure facilities including a primary school
- open space
- local recycling facilities and
- a new off-slip road at Wincheap from the A2
Update: An outline application and reserved matters application for part of the site have been granted planning permission. Work started on site in 2019 and 107 residential units - 23 of which are affordable housing - have been completed so far.
Parcel B will provide:
- 400 new homes
- about 3,700 sqm for commercial use
- community or leisure facilities
- a spine road between Milton Manor Road and Cockering Road
- open space
Update: Outline planning permission has been granted. Detailed planning permission for the spine road has been granted.
Land south of Ridgeway (John Wilson Business Park), Whitstable
This will provide:
- 300 new homes
- 3,500 sqm for employment use
- improved public open space
- healthcare provision and
- highway improvements.
Update: Outline planning permission with full details of 140 units was granted in 2019. A reserved matters application for the other 160 units was granted in 2022. Work has started on site.