Problems with our Lifeline service We're really sorry, we're having problems with our phone lines which means our Lifeline service is not available. If you or a loved one need help in an emergency, please call 999. Get help with Lifeline Hide
Find out how much council tax you have to pay Find your current council tax band and see how much each band is charged for the area you live. Pay your council tax or business rates by Direct Debit Set up a Direct Debit to pay your council tax or business rates safely and easily. Pay your council tax You can pay your council tax in a few ways. Where your council tax goes See the local services your council tax funds. Change your council tax payment method Tell us if you want to change your bank details or how you pay your council tax. Your 2025 council tax bill explained Find out what the information in your council tax bill means.
Find out how much council tax you have to pay Find your current council tax band and see how much each band is charged for the area you live.
Pay your council tax or business rates by Direct Debit Set up a Direct Debit to pay your council tax or business rates safely and easily.
Change your council tax payment method Tell us if you want to change your bank details or how you pay your council tax.